They have concluded that:


Surface treated options for a consistent hydrophilic surface

Helps to maintain a stable pH for a longer period than other oils.

Has the highest capacity to prevent evaporation when cultured in dry incubator

Reaches the lowest osmolality after seven days of culture.

Provides notably better embryo development and cell count rates when compared with these competitors.


Key Features

Pharmaceutical grade quality paraffin oil

Allows small volumes of medium to be used as it prevents the evaporation of media

Maintains stable osmolality and pH in culture medium

Available in glass or PETG bottles

Hypure Oil Heavy is pre-washed and offers extensive protection and insulation

Hypure Oil Light  is double-washed and allows easy pipetting




In a recent study, Embryotools compared the performance of our Hypure® Oil Heavy versus similar culture oils from our competitors. This study evaluates its manipulation, physicochemical properties, and its effects on the stabilization of culture conditions and embryo development.

Hypure® Oils are available with different density and viscosity to better suit laboratory needs. Since both are highly efficient in maintaining media stability, each laboratory could be able to make its own choice of which oil to use for each procedure.